The Holden Voice Fund
Gifts to the Holden Voice Fund help provide private voice instruction for singers in the Harvard Choruses. Each year, some 35-40 students participate in the program and receive subsidized private lessons from some of the top voice instructors in the region. The Holden Voice Program is a significant asset for recruiting and retaining student singers. Your gift to the Holden Voice Fund will have a direct and immediate impact on the quality of singing in the Harvard Choruses and on recruitment and retention of singers. If you would like to make a donation to the Holden Voice Fund, please email info@hgcalumni.org.
The Forbes Fund
The Forbes Fund provides financial support to the Harvard Choruses to fund grants for special projects intended to improve the planning and execution of concert tours and/or to enhance the touring experiences of tour participants, and to provide financial assistance to individual members in financial need in order to allow them to join such concert tours, or to fully participate in activities enjoyed by other chorus members while on tour. For more information on making a gift to the Forbes Fund, email info@hgcalumni.org.
Tribute/Memorial Gifts
Tribute/Memorial Gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one, or to celebrate a special occasion. If you would like to make a tribute/memorial gift please email info@hgcalumni.org.