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Warren H. Pyle AB ’55, LLB ’58
My years singing with the Glee Club under Woody [G. Wallace Woodworth] have led to a love of choral music and a lifetime of choral and occasional solo singing with the best choruses in the Boston area. I have made provision in my estate plan for the Harvard Glee Club Foundation to help continue the great tradition of men’s choral singing and other work of the Foundation.
Bequest/Estate Gifts
For many donors, the most realistic way to make a significant gift in support of the Harvard Glee Club is through their estates.
You may generously support glee and good humour in many ways, including:
a codicil to your will
an amendment to your revocable trust
a retirement plan beneficiary designation
naming Harvard Glee Club Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance plan
Estate plans should be prepared by and with the advice of an attorney to ensure that your intentions are carried out. The Harvard Glee Club Foundation office is available for additional information on the various methods of designating a bequest to the Foundation.
Sample Bequest Language
A general bequest, unrestricted as to purpose:
“I give (____ dollars) or (____ percent of my estate) to Harvard Glee Club Foundation, Inc., a Massachusetts charitable corporation, for its general purposes.”
A bequest for a specific purpose:
“I give (____ dollars) or (____ percent of my estate) to Harvard Glee Club Foundation, a Massachusetts charitable corporation, for the purpose of (state the purpose). If, in the future, in the opinion of Harvard Glee Club Foundation Board of Directors, all or part of this gift cannot be usefully applied to the above purpose (or in the above manner), it may be used for any purpose within the corporate powers of the Foundation’s Board of Directors that will most nearly accomplish my wishes and purposes.”
Please note, gifts designated for specific purposes must be approved by the Foundation’s Gift Review Task Force in accordance with the Board’s Gift Acceptance Policy. Please check with the Foundation office before designating a special purpose bequest.
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Harvard Glee Club Foundation’s federal taxpayer identification number is 04-2313930. For a copy of Foundation’s 501(c)(3) IRS determination letter, or for other assistance in drafting bequest provisions, please contact:
919 Broadway, Hanover, MA 02339
NOTE: The Harvard Glee Club Foundation is not able to provide legal advice or counsel on matters pertaining to gift planning. Please consult with your estate-planning professional (lawyer, accountant, financial adviser) to discuss the planned giving option that best meets your philanthropic goals.