HGC Alumni Virtual Choir - ‘00s
We invite you to participate in the first ever HGC Alumni Virtual Choir!
The Virtual Choir Committee has selected Sicut Cervus as the piece to record for the ‘00s HGC Alumni Virtual Choir. Each HGC decade will record a different song that represents one of their favorites!
In addition, we will have every HGC decade record Glorious Apollo (from the ‘40s to the ‘20s) and produce a final video featuring every era of HGC alums. This year’s 11 graduating students (9 college seniors and 2 graduate students) will sing the trio.
By recording a decade specific song and Glorious Apollo, the HGC Alumni Virtual Choir project can highlight each decade, while allowing all HGC alums to join together in honoring our newest alums (the graduating students) with a special version of Glorious Apollo. Encourage all of your classmates to become a part of the HGC Alumni Virtual Choir!
HGC Alumni Virtual Choir Music
Click on the buttons below to download the music.
HGC ALUMNI Virtual Choir Instructions
What you will need:
1. Headphones (earbuds will work well)
2. A laptop computer or tablet
3. A cell phone that can record video
Some practical advice:
● First and foremost – have fun, and don’t worry about being perfect! We will edit our videos all together, so little mistakes will get smoothed over the way they do when we sing together in a large group.
● Look over and practice singing through the marked copies of the pieces above. Then watch the conducting guide videos below and practice singing along with them.
The guide video consists of Miles conducting and singing several of the parts. You will sing along to this, since it’s meant to help keep everyone in the same key and tempo, and for an idea of how vowels should sound. Please make sure to do the breaths marked in the score.
● If you would like to review your individual part, please see the isolated part guide videos here:
● Choose a good space to record your video: A less reverberant room is preferable to a reverberant one in this case (so outside, or a room with a bunch of books would be better than a small, empty room with lots of flat, hard surfaces). Try to find a space with good lighting. Wear whatever you want.
● Making your video: we recommend using a phone to record your video while you watch the guide video on your computer/tablet using headphones. Center your face on the screen, and have the phone positioned the long way (in “landscape” mode). Allow a few seconds on your recording before and after you sing for ease of editing.
● Once you have completed your video, please submit it using the submission form at the bottom of this page. Feel free to write me at miles.canaday@gmail.com if you have questions. I look forward to hearing these, and to seeing the final product!
-Miles Canaday ’10
HGC Alumni Virtual Choir Conductor