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Jameson Neil Marvin (born 1941, Glendale CA) is an American choral conductor, composer, arranger, and editor who from 1978-2010 directed the Harvard Glee Club, the Radcliffe Choral Society, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum (collectively the Holden Choruses) and has also taught choral conducting at Harvard University. He received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Music from the University of Illinois, a Master of Arts in Choral Conducting from Stanford University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Music Composition from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has worked with Howard Swan and Robert Shaw, and his students have gone on to lead major choruses throughout the country. With the Holden Choruses, he has made nearly a dozen appearances at conventions of the American Choral Directors Association, including six national conventions. His academic specialty is the music of the Renaissance, and he serves as principal editor of the Oxford Music Renaissance series. Marvin retired from Harvard at the end of the 2009-2010 academic school year.
After his retirement from Harvard at the end of the 2009-10 academic school year, Marvin formed a mixed choir composed mostly of amateur singers, called the Jameson Singers, which is unaffiliated with any academic institution.
Dr. Marvin Tribute Flipbook From 2010
In case you missed it the first time around, below is a copy of “And May The Muse Inspire Each Future Song!,” the book which the Harvard Glee Club Foundation compiled to honor Jameson Marvin on his retirement in 2010 after 32 years as Harvard’s Director of Choral Activities. Included are 32 testimonial essays written by Harvard Glee Club alumni talking about their experiences with Jim and what he meant and continues to mean to their lives, personal and professional.
Presentation of Harvard Glee Club Medal to Jameson Marvin (Part 1 of 3), 2010
Presentation of Harvard Glee Club Medal to Jameson Marvin (Part 2 of 3), 2010
Presentation of Harvard Glee Club Medal to Jameson Marvin (Part 3 of 3), 2010
Alumni of the Harvard Glee Club welcome their conductor Dr. Jameson Marvin with a special "Domine" at his retirement celebration on May 1, 2010. Dr. Marvin retired after serving 32 years as Director of Choral Activities at Harvard University.
Jameson Marvin on Students, Music and Retirement, 2010