Come relive the unique joy and fellowship we experienced in the Harvard Glee Club, with the added bonus of international collaboration with our friends from Kyoto University. This year, we will be led by Harris Ipock, former assistant conductor of the Glee Club and now Director of Choral Activities at Denison University. We are very lucky to have Harris: in addition to his teaching schedule, he has an active career as a soloist and professional chorister. As a member of Conspirare, he appears on several recordings, including the GRAMMY winning album Sacred Spirit of Russia.
Together, we will prepare approximately twelve pieces of music from old and new repertoire that are both challenging and rewarding. For our concerts, we will sing at a girls' high school and a church that have both been instrumental in Hiroshima's dramatic rebirth after the calamity imposed on them in 1945. Fittingly, we will be hosted by a local organization called Music Brings Peace.
This will be our 12th collaboration since our first joint concerts in Tokyo and Kyoto in 1990. We hope you can join us!
For more information about the concerts and travel planning, contact HGC alumnus Phil Sheldon at
REHEARSAL WEEKEND in Cambridge: March 16-17, 2024. All day Saturday, half-day Sunday. Location and exact times TBA.
Main schedule in HIROSHIMA:
Sunday, May 12, 2024 (or earlier): depart from home
Monday, May 13: arrival in Hiroshima (HGC)
Tuesday, May 14: HGC Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 15: afternoon HGC and KGC joint rehearsal & Welcome Party
Thursday, May 16: free day for Hiroshima area excursion
Friday, May 17: HGC and joint rehearsals as needed
Saturday, May 18 morning: final rehearsals
Saturday, May 18 evening: Joint Concert at Hiroshima Jogakuin Gaines Hall ; Post-concert party, hosted by Music Brings Peace
Sunday, May 19: Dedication performance & music during church service at Hiroshima Nagarekawa church in the morning, free afternoon
Monday, May 20: Fly from Hiroshima to home, likely via Tokyo, arriving home the same day
TOUR EXTENSIONS - Details coming soon!
Pre-tour: 5 days 4 nights in Kyoto
Post-tour: 6 days 5 nights in Western Japan (stops are likely to include Iwakuni, Hagi pottery village, and Matsue)
$300 for Alumni in the class of 1999 and earlier
$100 for Alumni in the class of 2000 and later
$75 for companions
Your dues help cover costs for our conductor, rehearsal venue, welcome reception, music, and lunch for singers on the Saturday rehearsal in Cambridge. Companion dues help cover the costs for the welcome reception. Dues do not cover any travel expenses. Those prices will be advised as soon as they are finalized.
We also welcome donations to our Singers Fund to assist other singers with travel expenses. You'll find an option to do this in the "ticket" window, and the option to be contacted for more information in the registration survey.
We are very pleased to have Harris Ipock—HGC's Resident Conductor from 2012-2017 and principal conductor of HGC's New Year's 2017 Tour in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan—serving as conductor of the 2024 HGC Alumni Chorus. Harris is currently settling into his new roles as a dad and as Director of Choirs at Denison University in Ohio. You can read more about Harris here. Harris and his KGC OB counterpart will be choosing repertoire soon for both their individual choruses' solo sets and our joint pieces.