Rush the Stage with HGC!
HGC Rehearsal Zoom Bomb
Remember the first time you performed the football songs and the first concert where you rushed the stage as an alumnus to join the Glee Club? Remember your best football concert prank or favorite song? Remember the amazing sense of pride and camaraderie with your fellow Glee Club alumni and undergrads? Remember the time your Crimson paper airplane (or a relaunched orange one) nailed its target on stage to great applause?
Well, the new members and new alumni of the Harvard Glee Club have yet to experience these amazing moments that all of us look forward to each year. The Fall Football Concerts have always provided an opportunity for alumni from every generation to come together and celebrate the friendship, music, camaraderie and traditions of the Harvard Glee Club. Although the coronavirus has limited our ability to gather in person, we have a virtual opportunity to come together and "Rush the Stage with HGC".
On Wednesday, October 21, at 5:00 p.m. (ET), we invite you to “Rush the Stage with HGC” by joining the Glee Club at the end of their rehearsal to sing the Football Medley with this year's Glee Club. We alumni will wait in the Zoom waiting room and then join the rehearsal at the end to surprise the current Glee Club and show our support. Once we are dropped into the rehearsal, we will sing through the football songs, meet the new members of the Glee Club, and enjoy a brief breakout session with small groups of fellow alumni and undergrads. Join us as we show our support for the current Glee Club and come together to sing the football songs. We anticipate the festivities will last for about 60 minutes. Click on the button below to register and receive the Zoom link.
Wear your best (and most outrageous!) Crimson gear for the Zoom call. Our HGC conductors will be scanning the Zoom call and selecting the best dressed alumni through an entirely non-scientific process of whoops & cheers. You are encouraged to invite your spouse/partner/roommate/kids/pets (no bulldogs please) to join in with you for the festivities!
Our HGC conductors, officers, and members are doing an amazing job of keeping the group vibrant and moving forward during these difficult times. Let’s “Rush the Stage with HGC” and show our support!
In Glee,
Roy (Trey) D. Farmer III EDM '97
President, Harvard Glee Club Alumni